Uncommon threads Studio is pleased to offer these special services to our valued customers.
Business Consulting & Product Reviews
Your Ideas + My Experience = Your next steps to Business Success!
Do you have passion for product but no idea how to get your business off the ground or up to the next level?
My three decades in business can benefit you. Let's talk!
Business Services are billed at $45 per hour.
to contact the artist about Business Services.
Custom Design Consultation
Your first step to making your jewelry dream a reality...
Do you have a special jewelry idea in mind? Family gemstones you'd like re-set for every day wear?
Work one-on-one to design a jewelry piece with YOUR stamp of creativity woven in!
30 Minute Consultation is a FREE service.
to contact the artist about custom design!
Click below to learn more about my Services, or book a time for us to get started!