This morning I set up to photograph one of my favorite new necklaces, the mixed-metal-and-pearl “Freya.”
I’ve made this necklace a couple of times. Both times it sold quickly, so I didn’t get it to my out-of-town photographer for a good shot. For professional jewelry shots I use a studio outside of Boston, Pencil One. They understand the specs I require, which actually do not come from me, but from an online retailer with whom I once worked. I simply forward the requirements to the professionals, and- Poof!- they send back visual gold.
But this morning (the day before Valentine’s Day- nothing like working in the eleventh hour, huh?), I finally got around to unpacking from last week’s trip and I thought- hey! I better get this necklace out to its new home! But first- I need a decent image. Surprising myself, I decided to give it a try.
I have a phobia about photography. I don’t know where it comes from. It may have something to do with the fact that a camera is to me like a magical sealed chamber, an enchanted box. All of its workings are on the inside, inaccessible to me. I am comfortable learning about objects through my hands; I gain understanding through my sense of touch. (That’s why my artwork is almost always three-dimensional.) Cameras, and later- computers- frightened me because to use them I had to do without the benefit of my most natural skills. But today is the day: Time to bury the hatchet and make friends with my camera!
Without further ado, I introduce my new favorite necklace, the Freya!

I’m sure the lighting on her could be better, but the Oxidized Silver chain and 18K Yellow Gold links will always feel great. The gold links are like the paper chains we used to make in school to decorate the classroom for our Valentine parties! Click here for more details on this classic-with-a-twist necklace. Thanks for bearing with me while I try something new!